The children are encouraged to participate fully by proclaiming the Readings of the day, bringing the gifts to the Altar, reading the prayers of the Faithful and singing at every opportunity! Music plays a central role with the children encouraged to sing songs, sometimes to actions, in an all- inclusive ceremony. The format of the time spent in the parish hall is generally:
- Opening prayer of reconciliation composed by the children
- General welcome to all with a Happy Birthday sung to children who have celebrated a birthday that week.
- A child reading a “Thank You” prayer that they wrote themselves into our “Thank You God” book.
- A parent from our volunteer group relating one of the Readings of the day at a level the children can understand and enjoy.
- The singing of some of the songs to be used during the Mass.
Other activities include:
- Preparation for Christmas and Easter when the children reach out to others by making cards for the old and the sick in the parish.
- An occasional celebration of a completely child centric Mass with the whole congregation, where the various parts of the Mass are explained in detail to the children.
- A special Mass to celebrate the children of our congregation who have been confirmed or made their First Holy Communion.